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Okay, so when I started this blog, it certainly was NOT to post scrapbooking challenge responses, but it seems that's exactly what is has turned into. So today I am returning to my rambling roots of sharing what is on my mind.

This morning I got up early because we are supposed to go to a Summer Festival in Lampasas called Spring Ho. (I always giggle at that name.) Really, it's a real festival celebrating the natural spring that feeds a pool there that you can actually go swimming in. The town is not a big town, but it isn't one of those "blink and you'll miss it" towns either. I got up to see what time the festivities will begin today and found out I could have slept another 2 or 3 hours, but now I am up so I will subject you to some random thoughts.

I wonder what the strangest festival name is out there.
  • Our town has a celebration called Rabbit Fest - a Chamber of Commerce celebration designed to encourage people to come to our little town. When our event was first established, there were actually rabbits. There was a rabbit show and people made rabbit recipes, etc. Now, there isn't a rabbit to be seen and for that reason, the Chamber decided to rename the event, The Festival of Five Hills. That was a bad move as everyone around Texas was looking for when the Rabbit Fest was coming and couldn't find it listed anywhere, so they stopped coming. Needless to say, the coordinators quickly changed the name back, proving the old saying, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
  • The town of Bertram, Texas has their annual Oatmeal Festival which is celebrated every Labor Day weekend. If I remember correctly, my brother had the privilege of attending said event one terribly hot summer because that's what our parents used to do with him when I would run off to the cool beaches of Long Island for the summer. (Lucky me...Poor him.)
  • Sticking to the food venues is the Barnesville Potato Days where "visitors from across the country will flock to Barnesville, Minnesota in August 2008 to experience two days of zany potato activities, [potato recipes,] and small town hospitality."
Another thought...
When my son comes in and says, "Mommy, I solju dat I ganted to pon bod and I red a tid on de teedee, Mommy." (Almost an exact quote.) Does he really think I understand him? Is that what I sound like to him? What does he want me to do? I think it is funny how emphatically he says these things, looks at me firmly and then runs off as if he has given me a directive that I should immediately follow.

Next thought: How many more times will I have to hear "Cars" playing in the background? How long will my son continue to call it "Tchichow" as in "Mommy, I wan Tchichow!" Thank goodness we DVR'd it even though we have it on DVD. This means I have it at the push of a button.

Final thought because my head is hurting: Where did all of my DVR movies go? My husband and I had the forethought to record child-friendly movies like "Thomas the Tank Engine," "Sharkboy and Lavagirl," and the like for days when there was nothing decent on TV. One day I turned to the DVR menu and lo and behold, all that was there were old recordings of "Little People-Big World," "So You Think You Can Dance," and "Last Comic Standing." Then the finger pointing began. Who deleted the movies...not had to be you, etc. Neither of us could figure it, so now we have to begin our DVR collection all over again. Let me tell you when the rain is falling and Satellite is out or all there is to see is reruns of Mythbusters, those movies are a much needed relief.

Thanks for listening to my ramblings. I will try to be more focused in my thoughts, but no promises.


Melissa said…
Hope you have a nice weekend!
Heather said…
We have Sweet Corn Days here in little ol' Litchfield, Michigan. The kids from the library decorate ears of corn, there is free sweet corn for everyone, talent shoes, parade, and lots of other fun stuff celebrated over 2 days. :)
Andre Rodriguez said…
I remember the Oatmeal Festival. Yes, it was miserably hot, but what was cool was that a plane flew over the parade route dumping oats from a sack so it was like raining oats. I thought it was neat. I think I had an Oatmeal Festival hat. It was red.

I also remember in high school, guys liked to say they were going spring hoein' in Lampasas because that's where the hoes were. That was probably true to a certain extent. Probably the only girls who would date Cove guys had such bad reputations in Lampasas that no local guy would date them.

I can't think of any particulary unusal festival names around here. We do have Folkmoot that begins this week, "folkmoot" being old English for "meeting of the people." It's a really neat festival that brings folk groups from all over the world to lil' ol' Waynesville, N.C., two weeks of music and dancing.
And two weekends from now is Asheville's Bele Chere festival, "bele chere" supposedely being ancient Scottish for "beautiful living." It's a huge street party, that most locals avoid.

I miss Rabbit Fest. It's sad that they don't do the car race downtown anymore. I thought it was the best part of the festival.
Anonymous said…
Hi McMGrad89, I noticed that you mentioned reruns of Mythbusters as being better than anything else on TV... I can't imagine what you would think of a brand new Mythbusters special then!

This year's Shark Week is being kicked off by Mythbusters... it all starts on Sunday, July 27th, at 9PM. If you'd like more info I'd be happy to share since I work with Discovery and definitely have the inside scoop. You can also find out more info at the website:

Feel free to contact me, and have a great day!

Shawn Grover
MJ said…
Whenever we have no access to PBS or CBC Kids tv, we tend to rely upon DVDs borrowed from the library. Thank heavens for a little variety!

Your son's words seem to resemble my little N (3 yr old) who keeps reminding me that she wants a 'pooter" (aka computer).

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