Spring Break 2013 Part 1

This year is my first year that I am spending Spring Break without the kiddos. It was around this time last year that I made my decision to move back to Texas with them. Since their dad is in Kansas, he only gets to see them on holidays and summers. So what to do?? Go on a road trip.

After driving my kids from central Texas to Oklahoma, I turned around and stayed the night at a friend's house in Abilene on my way to El Paso. While in El Paso, I have already been on one road trip to Cloudcroft, NM.

 Click on picture to see full panorama

 Click on picture to see full panorama

We took lots of pictures as we drove through the desert and mountains.

The town of small, quiet village of Cloudcroft is tucked up in the mountains. The main street is lined with interesting gift stores and cafes.

As you drive past the center of the village, you will find some unique cottages and log cabins.

We even saw a cabin in the process of being completed.

Tomorrow, I will be heading to White Sands National Monument, Las Cruces, and Old Mesilla. More pictures to come. I will also be sharing the results of my participation in Marit and Michelle's workshop.


miruspeg said…
It looked like you had perfect weather for your roadtrip Annemarie.
Thanks for sharing your photos.
Peggy xxxx
wow. how do you take panoramic photos? it is very nice ^_^
McMGrad89 said…
Thanks for stopping by Orange Pulps, both my phone and my camera have a panorama feature. You just hold the camera steady and move it slowly across the scene and the camera snaps several shots until you tell it to stop.

Peggy, it was wonderful. I was fascinated by the snow on the ground up in the mountains.

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