Week 3 - Invest in Yourself

 So what's next in my journey to living boldly?? I decided that I must invest in myself.
 A page from my Sketchbook Project

Although this does include a financial investment, it also means investing time in myself as well. Most days after work I really am thinking I should run home and get dinner ready for the kids before I rush off to teach my night class. Now I take time for myself. This often takes the form of working out at the gym. This week however, I felt really sore after a day of running and day of weights. I had to tell myself to lay off a couple of days and not feel guilty about it. Instead of working out on Thursday, I went to the store and bought some Aleve and a joint complex to ward off the arthritis building in my right knee. I then went home and read a good book and got out the sketchbook.
Friday, I allowed myself to stay in my pajamas until 11. I texted my trainer/friend and told her I was staying home. I went to the post office in the late afternoon to mail out my Sketchbook Project to the Art House Coop. The day ended with a nice phone call from Miruspeg.

Saturday, I met "A" and her girls K2 for lunch and shopping. I invited Cait along, but she chose to be the almost 15 year old and stayed home. We then went on a hunt for the perfect running shoes. I thought for sure I was going to have to go to a specialty store because of my supination. However, I found the perfect sneakers at Kohl's department store AND they were on sale.

This meant I had money left over to buy a new shoulder bag, one that would really stand out from the crowd.
This one fit the bill.

Something else I have done is relegated cooking Tuesday through Thursday to my husband. This leaves time for me and "encourages" him to take a more active part in caring for the kids. On Sunday when I go grocery shopping, I include three things that he can make/will make so I am not worried that he is feeding them ice cream and pop tarts. In fact, today while we were sitting at the breakfast table, I included him in the grocery planning so he would have ingredients that he likes to use. Now he can't say there was nothing to make.

Despite impending challenges, my goal is to make 2012 a banner year to be bold, and investing in myself will play a big part in that endeavor.

 How will you invest in yourself in 2012?


miruspeg said…
Great sketch Annemarie, describes the song perfectly! (note use of exclamation mark....can't help myself)
I have lost count of how many times I have played that song and sung along to it at the top of my voice. They were a great Aussie band back in the 80's.

I enjoyed our long phone chat too, we never seem to run out of conversation do we.

I have a feeling in my bones that 2012 will be a banner year to be bold for you my friend.

Keep shining...keep smiling.
Peggy xxxxxx
GG said…
Nice shoes and handbag. I like the color. I wear 20lb weights when I walk and it helps me sweat more. I jog every other day to alternate my workout.

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