The Scanner is Working Now

I have a Lexmark printer/scanner. It is finicky. Sometimes it forgets that it knows my computer. When this happens there isn't much I can do but wait. So...last night, I waited, and tried again, and waited, and tried again. Then this morning, I restarted the computer and lo and behold, the computer and scanner were on speaking terms.

So let's get on to the sketches and doodles that lay waiting their turn to be seen by you all.

This is my traditional doodle style.
This one I cut the white spaces away at the top and bottom to reveal part of the next doodle that can be seen below.

Floral fantasies.
She looks a little perplexed or upset, not intentionally though. When you draw directly on paper with a marker it's hard to undo a mark.

I draw a different doodle everyday. This one was completed yesterday.

The Sketchbook Challenge has a monthly theme. This month is doodle. Can you tell it was my kind of theme? They kind of make me want to break out the crayons. How about you?


MJ said…
You doodle so well.

I think it best for my scanner/printer to not meet your scanner/printer. My scanner rarely works and causes me such frustration! I wouldn't want my scanner to be a bad influence! LOL!
GG said…
Very nice doodling you got there. I doodle on fabric when I quilt and they are very relaxing.
you have great and beautiful doodles. how i wish i can doodle like this. :)
miruspeg said…
It sure is frustrating when computers and printers fall out, but a good nights sleep obviously helps machines too.
Love your traditional doodles Annemarie.
Pegs xxxxx
Roban said…
My Lexmark printer has only printed correctly in color twice I think. Silly me didn't return it when the problem was first noticed.

Your doodles are so intricate. I think you should get in touch with a company to have them printed into a coloring book (artsy one for adults or creative teens). I would love to color on them!

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