Living Boldly Week 2

I am here as promised. Since this covers a prepared for a lot of info.

This has been a good week. Starting with Monday which will now be known as my lazy day, the day I do nothing and enjoy it. Before when I was unemployed, I felt bad about sitting around doing nothing, but now I savor it. I watch what I want, get dressed or not, eat or not, and I have to time to think about what I want to cook for dinner and make it good. This means we had enchiladas, rice and black beans. I am very proud of my little man who ate it all without complaining. Glad to see he can be bold, too.
 I made them in the electric skillet because I couldn't find my baking dishes. Notice that three don't have cheese for my son.
They were made using leftover pot roast. It was definitely a good use of leftovers.

Tuesday began the busy part of my week. My new class started so I had to be there by 9:30. I am still getting used to being up earlier. When that class was over I had to make it down to the next exit on the Interstate to our new campus to meet with my next class by 10:30. Needless to say I was a bit late but he (yes just one student on my roll) was understanding. After all of my classes, I completed day 2 of the Couch to 5K. I went home to clean up and returned to campus for an evening psychology class.

Wednesday was a repeat of Tuesday except at the gym I did strength training. It was fun to see how far I could push myself. I do need to work on those biceps though. They are much weaker than the triceps.

Thursday you can copy and paste Tuesday in there, too, but by now I am falling into the routine a little better. The highlight of the day was...well, I guess there were a few:
  1. January's first snow.
  2. I actually made it to a whole mile on the treadmill without thinking about it.
  3. This beautiful sunset!
Yes, I was driving.

I am proud of myself for getting out of the house on Friday and heading to the gym for a workout. I exercised for a whole hour. I then treated myself to lunch with Angela at Dean & Deluca. Wow! What a place!

Cajun Chicken Sandwich

That sandwich was so big I could hardly take a bite, but it was so delicious with big flavors like chipotle mayo, apricot mustard and fontina cheese. All those tasty sweets, yum. I ended up going with an almond biscotti. "A" and I had good convo and finished our day by picking up our paychecks. It was fun helping her play hookey from work for a little bit.

Saturday was probably the best day, although it is hard to top Dean & Deluca. I went to a scrapbook store because they were having a garage sale where customers could come and sell their unwanted scrap supplies. I was hoping there would be some girls there I could meet but no such luck. I did walk away with some fun tissue tape from Tim Holtz that I used on my Smashbook. I drove to downtown Blue Springs, thriving metropolis of western Missouri :-), where I found the Memories on Main Street Tea Room and Cafe. They make wonderful spinach and feta quiche. (This is my first time purposely ordering spinach.)

I finished the meal off with a decadent turtle pie which went well with my book, The Girl Who Kicked a Hornets Nest.

Then I went across the street to Lowe's soda fountain.

I met the owner, Clay, who has owned the store for ten years and bought it from the original family who installed the fountain in 1952. They were the Lowe family. He kept the name. I asked him if he minded me taking pictures in his store. He didn't and then he regaled me with stories of David Cook of American Idol fame coming from that little town and how they used the fountain for a tv spot.
(I couldn't find that one, but I found another interesting one.)
(Hey! You see that chair says SOUTH?? That's my daughter's school.)

I also learned about Clay's daughter who is studying to be a teacher. It's funny how much you can learn just by asking, "How long have had this store?"
I ended my Saturday by making pizzas. The kids got pepperoni and I made a yummy Spinach Chicken Pizza. I loved it.

The weekend isn't over but I will end my post now with some shots from my Smash Book. Boy, I am having fun filling it up. (Are you still with me??)
 I learned a little trick from Michelle. She used another page from her Smash Book to extend her page by taping it along the edge.

So, I taped the horoscope from the Coffee News on one page and a page from the Word of Mouth Smash Pad to the other page. I taped them together using the Tim Holtz tissue tape I just bought yesterday.
I used the back of the horoscope on the Coffee News to paste pictures of yesterday's lunch.

So the question is: How is my Journey to Living Boldly going? I think it is going well. I no longer worry about what certain people want or think. I work hard for my kids and myself. I say what I think and do what I want when I want. And I am enjoying taking time out for myself to creatively keep track of each week's memories.

How are you remembering the important events in your life?


MJ said…
Looks like another great week! The food looks spectacular! I just finished having lunch & I feel hungry again! Your blog is affecting me like a food commercial!

Enjoy the week ahead living boldly. It becomes you.
Roban said…
I'm a bit jealous of your schedule! And only one student... now that really sounds good. The town where I grew up had a soda fountain, too. I remember getting off the bus at my mom's dress shop and walking over to Moore's for a chicken salad sandwich, a Hershey bar, and a lemon sour or lemonaid. They also had amazing slaw dogs.

Can't wait to see more of your posts! Yay, you, for living boldly!
Shan in Japan said…
I like your word for the year. I haven't thought about one yet, but thanks for the challenge of thinking about one! I will get back to you on that.
Enjoying the bold posts!
miruspeg said…
This post put a very big smile on my face Annemarie.
May the force be with you my bold friend!
Big hugs
Peggy xxxx

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