Living Boldly Week 1

Well, I survived Week 1 of living boldly. What did I do? Well, my week started out slowly, but by Tuesday I finished off my workday with a quick workout at the gym where I work. (I teach psychology to students who are studying to be personal trainers.) I enjoyed my time focusing on me and no one else.

The next day, I went to a meeting after work but it was cancelled, so I took the opportunity to ask for what I needed from the supply secretary. Normally I would just suffer in silence. I walked away from her office with a large shopping bag full of office supplies. Why is this important?? Well, I work in a new building and there is NOTHING there. NOTHING. My cohort and I are the only ones working there until the full transition in April. Oh and come to think of it, I was bold the day before as well by calling my "acting" academic director to complain that I didn't have my own computer or projector at the new building either. I was tired of tippi toeing around my cohort waiting to use her computer when she wasn't using it. Next on my list?? A file cabinet. I shall be requesting one on Tuesday.

Thursday was a great workout. I used all of the weight machines on the circuit and came away feeling quite proud of myself. So much that I rewarded myself by going to see The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo BY MYSELF.  After making supper for everyone in my house, I got up from the table, directed them to please wash up the dishes, took a shower, got dressed, grabbed my purse and said, "I am going to the movies." I know my husband was a little confused but I didn't care. It felt great to go to a movie without children in tow and without worrying if my husband was going to like it or not. By the way - it is a very good movie.

Friday, I woke myself up at a decent hour even though it was my day off, packed my son's lunch, packed my workout gear and left the house. I was at the gym by 9 a.m. Friday was Day 1 of my Couch to 5K workout.

My cohort Angela was there monitoring the school's gym. After I finished my workout, she and I talked for over and hour. It was about that time that we both realized that we were very hungry so we went to Carraba's for lunch.

The old me would be worried about spending too much time away from the house, but it didn't cross my mind once. We ate and chatted and got to know each other. It felt good to make a friend. That is the biggest thing I miss about Texas.

On the way home, I spotted the geese that I have been wanting to take a picture of for months. I finally just pulled into the neighborhood and walked through someone's yard to get to the pond. (That move was inspired by mate Peggy.)
They put on a little show for me.

I documented my week in my new Smash Book 

(This is a poor scan, will do better and talk more about this later.)

Unless something major happens in the middle of the week, I will be back Sunday to share with you Week 2 of Living Boldly.

How was your first week of 2012? Hope it was good.


miruspeg said…
What a great start to living bolding Annemarie! I take my hat off to you friend.
Really happy you have made a new friend, it is wonderful to share our day to day lives with a good listener.
Keep shining....keep smiling and keep living boldly!
Peggy xxxxxx
GG said…
Congratulations Annemarie. You were BOLD alright. You did great all in one week. Very happy for you. So glad you found a friend too.
MJ said…
Wow, you had a great week of living boldly! I'm contemplating whether it is too late for me to adopt "boldly" for 2012?! Looking forward to the next week of living boldly!
Roban said…
You go, girl! This living boldly seems to suit you well. (I thought Dragon Tattoo was a good movie, too. An Oscar-winner for Mara is my guess.)

Can't wait to hear about Week 2!
Marit said…
Oh wowwowWOW Annemarie!!! I hadn't seen this post earlier... hope your bold second week started as good as what you describe here... YOU GO GIRL!!!!
Roban said…
Annemarie, I created my page at the Michaels Web site. The design feature they have (myDesign is on the tab I think), is very similar to Scrapblog's. I had so much fun creating, I didn't figure out how I would actually get my file. I think you can create and have it printed ($2 per page, 5 page minimum). I wanted to use the page I created so much that I (gasp) PAID to join. I think $49 for the year. I get free downloads and access to the digital elements. Plus, it's easy to use. It's SO reminiscent of Scrapblog. Mixbook has not adapted all of the great features Scrapblog had (at least last time I checked). They even have a community/gallery. Someone had already commented on my page. (I'm guessing you have Michaels craft stores out your way.)
Anonymous said…
Hi Annemarie, absolutely wow on your bold week! You go girl!Wishing you all the best for this New Year! And you're on your way doing just great.
So good to read about you again!
Loving your smash book! And happy for you finding a new friend.
Enjoy your weekend!

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